Personalized videos address their viewers directly by their name and other personal details to create a feeling of one-on-one communication that feels much more up close and personal. Videos with such a level of personalization can be used in the final stages of your sales marketing funnel to nurture your leads.

This kind of one-to-one approach through video marketing is one of the most effective methods of connecting with prospects. The reason is simple.

It is a natural human tendency to react and pay more attention when your name is taken and personalized videos take advantage of this very tendency of consumers. It makes the prospect trust your brand more and gives them a feeling of being taken care of.

Personalized videos are made by creating a video template onto which CRM data is integrated.

Such videos almost immediately connect with leads on a more personal level. There have been many companies in the past - from small startups to multinational firms - who have used such a one-to-one approach in their video marketing.

In this article, we shall talk about 10 such companies who beautifully incorporated some remarkable personalized videos in their marketing strategies.

Here is how personalized videos are created

  1. Choose a template
  2. Add personalization elements (name, logo, user stats etc)
  3. Create videos
Creating personalized videos process

See more examples of video personalization here👇

30+ Video Personalization Templates
Send a personalized video by weaving in customer information into a video. Choose from 30+ video personalization templates !

10 Best Personalized Video Examples

80% of customers are likely to purchase from a brand that provides a personalized experience. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that personalization is becoming more and more popular in the world of business.

However, incorporating personalization in video marketing is not as easy as it sounds. Anyone can create a simple template and put the viewers name on the video and call it personalization.

But to create a personalized experience that actually creates a memorable experience for the viewer, you need a concept, and a plan to execute the concept seamlessly. To show you what I mean, I’ve listed out a couple of the best examples of personalized video marketing online today. These examples should show you just how important concept and execution is and will help you appreciate just how powerful a medium personalized video can be.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Marketo

This Marketing Automation Software company based in California helps organizations to meet their marketing efforts and goals through their products. Marketo was founded in 2006 and has developed a decent customer base since then.

In this brilliant personalized video, Marketo created a unique invitation to their Marketing Nation Summit. Split into two distinct parts, the video makes great use of the name of the viewer (Melissa Smith in this case) and pushes that personalization factor at the right points to make the maximum impact.

Quirky, powerful and brilliantly executed, this video ticks all the right boxes for personalized video.

Marketo’s personalized event invite actually increased the open rate by 36 %. It went ahead and increased the click-through rate by a whopping 144%.

Key Takeaway

The most important thing to note from this personalized example video is how seamlessly the viewer’s name is integrated into the video. The contact’s name doesn’t just show up as a name on the screen, it’s a vital element in the shot, being added in tiny spots that you wouldn’t notice at first. This sort of attention to detail to make sure the experience feels as personal as possible is something you should try out when you create your very own personalized video campaign.

2. Cadbury

I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised to see Cadbury on the list. The world famous confectionery company has always been an ace at sweeping its consumers off their feet.

Cadbury has made personalization one of the core strategies of its campaigns. Personalized gift packs with the receiver’s name printed on it is just one example of their personalized marketing strategy. It creates a sense of occasion and shows the customers that the brand cares and wants to help them add value to their special moments.

But recently Cadbury went one step ahead by leveraging video in their personalization strategy.

The brand invited its Facebook fans to make personalized videos for their loved ones.

All one had to do was enter their name and share the picture of their loved one. The user can then send this personalized video to whomever they want to.

Key Takeaway

This video takes the personalization factor in marketo’s video a step further. The way the concept has been used and executed via a professional video template is something you can learn from. The video fits into their brand positioning perfectly, and the personalization factor seamless. If you’re looking to create a personalized campaign for a more emotional experience, take a leaf out of this campaign.

3. Nike

Nike - Outdo you with Nike+ - Halfmarathon from Goodbye Kansas Studios on Vimeo.

This personalized video from way back in 2015 is a great example of just why Nike is a marketing powerhouse. The world famous sports brand has always been true to it’s brand catchphrase -  “Just Do It”, and their products and culture reflect that drive to help athletes worldwide achieve their extremely high standard.

Another such remarkable marketing campaign of Nike was their animated journey video with personalization. The video uses the data of the user to create an emotional animated video of their sporting achievements that year. The context of the video is to motivate its lead and push them to go further and faster ahead in life.

Key Takeaway

Nike took lead nurturing to another level with this personalized video. It wasn’t just the name in this example. Things like distance run, marathon stats etc, really contributed to creating a unique experience for each viewer. With this video, Nike proves to their viewers that their brand is not all about selfish sales pitches but is here to genuinely be a part of the consumers’ growth.

4. Facebook

You’ve definitely seen this at some point.

Facebook‘s approach towards their user base is downright incredible. That is why it comes as no surprise that Facebook today stands as one of the biggest social media platforms. Facebook has time and again used personalization videos for its customers.

Be it the walk down through the memory lane, the Faceversary or Friendversary. Facebook never fails to delight its customers with such touching gestures.

Key Takeaway

Facebook has time and time again used personalization to convert user data into fun videos to invoke emotions like nostalgia in its users, making them feel extremely connected with the brand.

5. Norton

Norton is a spin-off of the Northern Lifelock venture based in California. They are one of the stalwarts in digital security. This antivirus and antimalware software provider used personalization in one of the most unique ways.

This unique, personalized explainer video goes an extra mile - It shows the viewer (who is supposed to be an ecommerce retailer) a screenshot of their website, inside the video!

If that doesn’t get their attention, I don’t know what will.

Key Takeaway

It’s key to note that Norton opted to go for a personalization factor that their target audience would actually appreciate. This wasn’t just about a name or some personal detail, it was a visual cue that makes the viewer feel taken aback.

This level of personalization is certainly one of the first ones in the market. The users tend to be extremely compelled and personal when they see their own website in the video.

6. BlueBiz

BlueBiz Is a company that lets you reward your team with free travel tickets. It is the corporate loyalty program of Air France, KLM and Partner Airlines.

The company has already established a brand by providing impressively curated services to each of its customers. BlueBiz recently went a step ahead in nurturing their leads.

This fun personalized video is a great way of showing your customers just how much you care about the tiny details. Sending out a personalized birthday video can make a huge difference to the customer experience, and is sure to bring a smile to their face.

Key Takeaway

This is a really cheery, celebratory video that is sure to touch anyone who is celebrating their birthday. What's really great about this video is that it doesn't have anything to do with the company or the brand - it's focused entirely on the customer. The video isn't about selling a new product or showing off a new feature - it's just there to give the customer a warm, fuzzy feeling. By creating the video around the customer's personal details, BlueBiz creates a video that is sure to stand out in the client's memory.

7. DoubleDutch

DoubleDutch is a networking platform for events. This event app is a unique concept in itself and naturally has one lakh plus happy users from 50+ countries. The firm lets you transform your events into a connected community and ensures that it becomes a resounding success.

DoubleDutch made event invites a lot more attraction and notices worthy through personalization. The video features employees talking to each other about the event and one of them takes out a huge invitation pass with the viewer’s name and their company.

Key Takeaway

The fact that the visitor sees his name and his companies’ flashing across the invite is one hell of a wow factor in the company’s personalization strategy...

9. Barclays

Barclay is a wealth management services firm headquartered in London. The firm has around 83,500 employees as of 2020.

The brand used personalization videos to nurture their clients. The video starts with the viewers’ name and the lady speaking in the video too addresses the viewer several times. The video absolutely transports the visitor to a parallel world of reality where the visitor has his dream car and his dream house, both engraved with his name.

This beautifully personalized video makes the visitor feel like he’s living his dream.

Key Takeaway

This video is a clear example of just how even a financial services company can make use of personalized video to create an on-brand video that elevates the customer's experience with the company.

It isn't just a fun video that shows the viewer's name on the screen - it's informative, and shows the viewer just how they can better use Barclay's services to better their lives.

9. Vodafone

Vodafone, the British multinational telecommunications company, has its wings spread everywhere. The brand’s marketing and advertising campaigns are known for evoking deep emotional feelings of the viewers. Naturally, their customer base is huge.

Vodafone is one of the few companies that used personalization for promoting their services. Video is simple. The visitor is addressed with his name in the video and is requested to upgrade his mobile plan.

Key Takeaway

Even though the video is upfront about upgradation, it still shows its loyalty to its customers.

10. Jay Baer

Jay Baer, the founder of Convince and Convert and the author of the bestselling book, is also an internet pioneer, entrepreneur and a keynote speaker of the Hall of Fame. His fan base is overwhelming and his strategies are holy grails for anyone in the field of digital marketing .

Jay Baer used one-to-one video marketing for those who bought his bestselling novel ‘Hug Your Haters’. The video is funny, silly yet so appealing to all the buyers. In fact this tinge of humor made the viewers feel like they knew Jay Baer personally.

Key Takeaway

The video is straight up weird, yet hilarious. It's a video that's aware that it is a personalized video, and revels in the fact. Jay Baer fully leveraged the power of custom-made videos to build a relationship with his customers.


Each of these brands used video personalization at different stages of their marketing funnel. Besides, they are all unique in their own ways.

The market is changing every day. Now, about 72% of consumers only indulge with brands that personalize the experience. That is why Businesses have started to prioritize personalization.

Don't stay behind in the race. It’s YOUR turn to go a step ahead and blend personalization into videos.

If you’re looking to personalize your videos, start with VideoForm.

What we do

If you're looking for a way to connect with your audience on a more personal level, using a video personalization tool is a great option. VideoForm is a video personalization platform that lets you personalize your video content and tailor it according to your specific audience.


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