There are many benefits to sending out personalized thank you videos in emails, but the most important one is that it makes your prospects feel appreciated.

When you take the time to send a video of yourself thanking them for their purchase or scheduling an appointment, they're more likely to connect with you and your brand.

It's also a good chance for companies to show off their culture and values while showing appreciation at the same time. Here are some tips on how you can start sending personalized thank you videos in emails.

Video personalization

Let's explore some creative ways of doing so with a personalized video from VideoForm.

Why Should You Send a Thank You Video in Email?

The current crisis in the world has turned everyone to depend on digital assets for communication. It has left salespeople and consumers alike to fend for themselves in the virtual world.

This is where personalized video email comes into play. Since many companies have already replaced business communication with face-to-face video conferences, it is time you adapt to the change.

Video Emails offer a distinctive element that reflects "you" in digital strategies and gains prospects' trust. With VideoForm, now you can send a personalized "Thank you message" with the prospect's name on it.

How to Make a Thank you Video?

One of the best ways to express gratitude is by sending a thank you video. These innovative, personalized videos are more than just an expression of appreciation. They also create and maintain lasting connections with customers, clients, and partners alike.

If you are unsure of how to make and send thank you videos, let's dive in to see some fabulous techniques.

  • Sign in to your Videoform account. Your dashboard will open up
  • Click on "Video Templates"
  • Explore the different templates available and choose any template you like. Then click "Use Template"
  • Your template will open up.
  • Start adding elements to your video content to improve the overall quality and appearance of the video.

Elements such as text, images, and buttons can help to clarify the message that you are trying to communicate. Additionally, elements can be used to help keep the viewer engaged and interested in the video.

  • Share the video with your customers using your favorite tools

Overall, personalized videos are an excellent way to improve customer engagement. By creating videos that are tailored to each individual customer, businesses can create a connection that feels more personal and relevant. This can lead to increased loyalty and satisfaction among customers.

Also read:

Video Email: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners
How can sales reps use video to increase engagement with prospects & accelerate sales cycle?
Video Email: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

5 Tips to Send the Best Thank You Video to your Prospects

1. Focus on “Thank you”

Before you personalize and send a video, note down the key points you want to include. Then, focus on saying thank you and keep it short and sweet.

"Hey there, I saw your message, and I just wanted to say thank you."

2. Show Your Genuine Personality

You don't have to be a perfectionist when you are sending a thank you video. Don't be afraid to go off the script and don't cringe to say thank you to your customers – it’s good for business! Customers can spot a disingenuous thank-you a mile away, so be sure to mean it!

Hey John,

Thank you for your interest in ____________!

We're flattered that you took the time to visit our website. ____________ is a service designed to make life easier and more fun.

3. Time Limit

Keep your thank-you video under 1 or 2 minutes. This gives you enough time to get your point across without overwhelming viewers. If a video is too long, people will not watch it all the way through and they will not remember all of the information.

If you need to include more information, consider breaking your video up into multiple parts or including a link to additional resources.

Video Emails in Gmail

4. Send Thank You Videos Often

When you send a thank-you message, it's not just about saying thanks. It also serves as a simple reminder for prospects to know that they can count on your business in the future when they might need assistance.

For More Ideas - 5 Video Prospecting Ideas to Own 2021 Goals

5. 1:1 Engagement

A thank you message can be a chance to show your appreciation to clients and prospects. In addition, you are building a long-lasting connection with the recipients without meeting them face-to-face.

When you send a thank you video, your prospect feels like they were the only one to receive it. It’s more personal and memorable than just sending an email or text message thanking them for their purchase. Take advantage of this opportunity by getting creative and use personalized video emails in your sales strategy!This is your chance to get back in the game! Sign up now and start sending personalized videos!