In this article, we’re going to take a look at customer onboarding.

Specifically, I’m going to show you a new approach to customer onboarding, a method that is guaranteed to give your customers a unique onboarding experience that they will remember you by.

Say hello to  interactive onboarding video content.

With companies growing larger everyday and finding new ways to retain customers and keep up with their competitors, an effective customer onboarding strategy has become more vital than ever before. To ensure that competitors don’t lure away your customers, it is absolutely essential to design a unique user onboarding experience that keeps users coming back for more.

That’s where VideoForm comes in.

But before I show you just what you can achieve with this interactive video creation platform,we need to tackle the basic questions.

What Is Client Onboarding?

Client onboarding is the process of welcoming a new customer to your organization, once they have travelled down your sales funnel and have made the final purchasing decision. The onboarding experience is the first first impression that customers will have of your brand. It's an opportunity  to build a comfortable, long lasting relationship between the company and the client.

Customer onboarding is the process of welcoming your new clients to your organization.

The aim is to ensure that clients feel empowered, happy and at reassured of their decision by the end of the onboarding process, getting them into a frame of mind where they are looking forward to an extraordinary experience with your brand. In simple words, client onboarding signals to the customers about the experience they can expect from your company, helping you start off on the right note and gain their loyalty for years to come.

What Is The Importance Of A Good Client Onboarding Process

Great first impressions pave the way for long term business relationships. Companies worldwide spend plenty of time and resources into ensuring that their customer onboarding experience is seamless and powerful. As a brand, you too need to focus on providing a unique onboarding experience. Here’s a couple of reasons why:

1. Great Customer Onboarding Starts A Well Rounded Customer Experience

The onboarding experience begins from the moment of the purchase.

Your customer’s experience with your brand starts the moment they sign up to your services. You need to ensure that you kick this relationship off on the right note.

That’s why focussing on your onboarding experience is so important.

Customer onboarding is pretty much the first step in your customer’s journey with your brand.

If you manage to design an onboarding procedure that works in tandem with the customer experience you have already designed for your brand, you will automatically create a seamless, consistent and well-rounded experience for your customers that begins the moment they choose to purchase your products or services.

This consistency is key to earning their trust and boosting brand loyalty, which brings us to our next point.

2. Good Onboarding Experiences Boost Brand Loyalty

A well thought out onboarding experience is a great way to boost brand loyalty and retain customers.

There are plenty of companies and organizations in your niche just waiting for the right opportunity to fish your customers when you’re not looking.

To counteract this, you need to find a way to boost loyalty towards your brand and get customers to stick to your products and services for all their needs.

Ensuring a pleasant customer experience that looks after their every needs from the very start is key to this, and crafting a powerful customer onboarding is the first step in that process.

A strong, unique customer onboarding process is something that customers will always keep in mind when they talk about your brand.

This positive experience will ensure that your customers trust you and stay with you for the long run.

3. Better Onboarding Experiences Bring Better Revenues

Paying attention to your onboarding experience design can bring in more revenue.

Think about it - if you create a powerful onboarding process, you will earn a loyal set of customers. Customers, who are much more willing to spend more on the products and services that your brand offers because they've already had a great experience with you and don't mind the extra expense in return for that experience.

And that’s not all, once you’ve gained customer loyalty you can start cross selling your products to them - they’ll be more than happy to try out other products from your brand as long as they can be recipients for the same quality experience.

More products sold, more revenue!

4. Increased Word Of Mouth And Brand Awareness

Give your customers a great onboarding experience, and they will tell their friends all about your brand!

When you’ve successfully earned the trust of thousands of customers and have made them loyal to your brand, you can be sure that they will talk about you to their peers. They’ll be rattling on their friends about your products and especially the amazing experience they’ve had with your brand. Who knows, maybe they’ll even convince a couple of them to purchase your products themselves!

That’s the power of word of mouth, in my opinion the most effective marketing tactic out there.

Word of mouth is powerful because your prospects hear about your products not from the paid ads and promotional material that you circulate, but from friends and family - people close to them who want the best for them and will only recommend brands and products that they themselves trust.

This is precisely what you can achieve if you put some thought into how you welcome new customers to your brand and create a unique onboarding experience.

Alright, now that you know why paying attention to the onboarding process is important, let’s cut to the chase. I’m going to show you how VideoForm can help you create the most unique onboarding process out there, one that feels personal and is sure to move your newfound customers, convincing them that you care (as you do!) Let’s jump right in.

How VideoForm Improves The Onboarding Experience

VideoForm offers you the chance to create interactive onboarding experiences in just a few easy steps. You don’t have to write a single line of code, or be a master video editor do any of this. This sort of content is guaranteed to help you create a unique experience for your customers, one that they will be moved by.

Here’s why Interactive Onboarding VideoForms are the next big thing in the ultimate customer experience:

1. Impress new customers with interactive video content

An interactive onboarding video is bound to make an impact on your newfound customers.

The ability to create interactive videos on the fly is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Simply smile at the camera, hit record, speak directly to your customers and throw in the interactions that you want. With VideoForm, anyone can create interactive video content - it’s that simple.

When applied to customer onboarding, interactive video can create a rather unique and immersive experience. Right from the get go, you mark your brand as different by using a medium that’s not only distinctive, it puts the viewers in the driver’s seat (rather symbolic if I may say so myself).

By creating an interactive onboarding video, you create a unique experience for thousands of customers with just one single video.

Not to mention, with the viewers in control of the video, they will spend more time on your content, going through it at their own pace and leisure - talk about a relaxing onboarding experience!

2. Send Out Onboarding Video Emails

Welcome your new customers with VideoForm onboarding emails.

With VideoForm you don’t just create engaging interactive content, you can also send them out in emails.

There’s no doubt you’re already embedding video content in your onboarding email campaigns. Making the switch to interactive onboarding video emails is the obvious next step.

With the right sort of content and cleverly thought out interactions, you can easily create an onboarding experience that makes your new customers feel valued and reassured about choosing your brand.

3. Build Trust By Adding The Human Touch

Help your customers be a part of your brand, yourself!

The idea of emulating a human touch and making interactions more personal is central to VideoForm’s design. When you can see the person who is talking to you, you are bound to trust them more. That’s the sort of communication that VideoForm was designed to bring in between you and your customers. The platform supports the ability to hold asynchronous 2 way conversations as per the comfort of your viewers - They can respond to your videos via video, audio or text.

This sort of face-to-face communication can help you create a deeper relationship with your customers and help them trust you and your brand more.

How You Can Use VideoForm For Customer Onboarding

VideoForm allows you the freedom and flexibility to create any sort of interactive video content you can think of. This is true even of onboarding video content. With VideoForm, there is no limit to kinds of interactive onboarding content that you can create. To get you started, I’ve listed a few ideas for interactive onboarding VideoForms below:

1. Interactive Story Onboarding Videos

The most obvious option when it comes to creating an onboarding video is to create a story video that explains the heritage and mission of the brand to the newfound customer. Story videos welcome the new customer to the organization by telling them of the company’s values and ideals, thereby giving them a clearer picture of what to expect in the future and allowing them to more seamlessly align themselves to ideas of the brand.

Tell your story with interactive video for a more human customer onboarding experience.

This helps the customer to feel like they have just bought into something larger than a single product or service - they have just purchased a piece of a lifestyle, one they can get behind and live by.

Why not go the extra mile and make these story videos interactive?

You can split up your narrative into bite sized chunks and let the viewer decide which nits they want to watch. This allows the viewers to watch your narrative at their own pace, and gives them complete control over the flow of the video.

This sort of onboarding video will improve engagement rates and bring the customer closer to your brand ideals and heritage way more effectively than a traditional linear video.

2. Q&A Videos To Answer Queries

When you create an onboarding experience it’s always important to keep in mind that your newfound customers will have questions about their new product - maybe they want to see how to use a specific feature, or might want to understand how they can use your service to carry out a specific task.

No matter what the use case is, you’ll need to find a way to answer these questions and help your customers get the most out of your product.

VideoForm can help you do that in a single onboarding video - The Interactive Q&A Video.

Answer all customer queries with one interactive onboarding video.

If you’ve got a list of FAQ questions, you can have them appear on your VideoForm in the form of options. If the viewer sees their question listed on the screen, they can simply click on the question, and watch a video that shows them the very answer or demonstration they’ve been looking for.

This gets rid of the need to have customers call up your number or watch online tutorials to understand how to use your products effectively - you show them everything they need to know in the onboarding process.

Oh, and if they have a question that isn’t listed in your VideoForm, fear not, that’s where the response option comes into play.

Your customers can send in responses to your VideoForm via audio, video or text - using this feature, you can collect your customer’s queries and reply with a video that gives them an answer to their question.

It’s a two way conversation, but with a warm, human approach out the clunky automated chatbot feel!

3. Interactive Product Tutorials

Your customer is new to your product. If they find your product too complicated to use, they will not think twice before chucking it away and going to another brand for a more simpler one. It’s in your best interest to ensure that they understand just how to use your product the way it was intended.

A product demo or tutorial video is perfect for this.

Tell your newfound customers how to get the most of their product with interactive product tutorials.

These videos show the viewer just how to get the best results from the product.

Product tutorial videos are already pretty effective as they are. But they can be a whole lot more engaging and to the point if the viewer could immediately skip to the bits that they want to understand (I personally skip the intro and product setup guides every single time).

With VideoForm, you can split up your linear product demo into easy to consumer modules, each dealing with a specific subject or feature.

This allows your viewers to easily skip to the bit that they want to understand, letting them watch the video in the order of features that pleases them.

It’s a subtle change, but highly effective!

4. Send Out Interactive Feedback Forms

Interactive video feedback forms can get way more responses as compared to traditional forms.

Collecting feedback and understanding how the customers feel about the onboarding process is vital to finding any hiccups and improving the experience further. You could send out a feedback form, but let’s be real here, getting a customer to take the time out to fill out your form is difficult.

If you want to get the most number of responses you can, you need to start using an interactive feedback form.

It’s simple - you record a video of yourself directly asking the customers for feedback and explaining why this is important to you. Create your lead gen form in VideoForm. Next, you add your video to the VideoForm and add an option to fill in the form at the end of it.

This way, you give a human, heartfelt appeal directly to the viewers, explaining how their feedback will help you create a better experience for them, convincing them to take out the time and give you their feedback.

Take that text!

VideoForm - The Ultimate Interactive Onboarding Experience

VideoForm is the secret ingredient you need to create an onboarding experience that is human, personal, memorable and unique. It helps you create an experience that starts your relationship with your new customer on a more personal level, and builds a deeper bond between them and your brand.

Create a unique customer onboarding experience with VideoForm

This radical new approach will allow you to build a base of loyal customers, who will stick with your brand just for the experience you provide to them!

Remember though, onboarding is just the first step of the customer experience that you are providing. No matter how powerful your onboarding process is, if you don’t have the experience to match up to it, you will end up creating a mismatch that is more than likely going to feel like a let down to your customers.

Ensure that you’ve tied in your onboarding experience only after you’ve strengthened the customer experience first. This will help you seamlessly transition your prospect into a customer the right way.