I will share with you how one customer used videos as part of his sales strategy and increased profits by 20%.

Steve, an SDR, was out of town on business one day when his boss called with an idea: "What if you make some videos?"

He said it would be great because customers could see what they were paying for before making a decision.

Steve set up a cubicle to be video-friendly and used Videoform to fire up his sales process. In no time, Steve was closing more deals than ever before - training his assistant Tessa in the same technique with great results.

What do you get from this?

Once sales professionals started using videos in their process instead of relying solely on word-of-mouth or written material, many saw significant revenue increases. So let's dive in to find out more!

Why is Video Important in Sales Process?

Videos are an excellent method for engaging with potential customers. It can be used in various sales content and instrumental in cold outreach emails that you send to prospects who don't know or remember you.

Videos help set your company apart from competitors by providing a personal touch at the beginning of the conversation before any verbal interactions have taken place.

It's important to include videos when cold-emailing because doing so will increase your chances of getting responses and opportunities for sales.

Why Do Prospects Find Videos Engaging?

  • Videos create a face-to-face interaction as opposed to plain old text emails
  • It allows a salesperson to convey the required information on a screen instead of paragraphs explaining them
  • Video emails simply stand out

5 Tips To Use Videos in Cold Emails Effectively

How you speak is just the first step in communication. If you email someone, there's something that you're missing: communicating in real life.

To say a lot more with fewer words, sales people can create videos explaining their company or product.

You deliver your video through a custom sales landing page, linking to either a registration page or your website.

The use of videos in cold outreach emails is proven to be effective by an astonishingly high percentage of users who say they are more likely to register after viewing the video.

11. Send Personalized Videos For Multiple Recipients

If the odds are in your favor, your prospects might have a lot in common.

Although it is advisable to send a personalized video email to high-value clients, it doesn't hurt to group many leads in one category but personalize the thumbnail.

Personalizing Videos

2. Add a Call to Action on Your Video

Prospect's inbox is a busy place. Emails from boss, coworkers, prospects, spam & more. On top of it, they also get emails from sales demanding attention at all hours.

One thing you can be certain about: there will never be an end to text email.

That's why it's important to come up with creative ways to attract prospects with video emails and get your messages across in this digital age.

It may seem simple but coming up with effective CTAs often takes some trial-and-error before finding what works best for each situation.

Nevertheless, CTA's on videos will boost response rates and increases engagement on your pitch

3. Keep Your Videos Short (Under 90 Seconds)

A video is a powerful way to share an idea with the world.

However, there's one small detail that many people overlook: making your videos short and sweet.

The 90-second rule for length applies not only to storytelling but also to any presentation or promotional video.

As Paul Hellman (best selling author) says " You've Got 00:00:08 Seconds."

This makes it easy on viewers because they can stop watching when their attention span wanes.  A good guideline? Keep them well under 2 minutes to be sure everyone will watch until completion.

4. Use an enticing headline

Your email's headline is one of the most important elements in your email. It's what gets people to open your email in the first place, so it needs to be attention-grabbing and relevant to your audience.

Also, make sure your headline is relevant to your video's content. If your video is about a new product launch, for example, make sure your headline reflects that.

The Bottom Line

Once you start creating amazing video emails and test them for results, the process will get faster and you’ll be able to create a personal connection with the recipient.

Additionally, video emails are more likely to be remembered than text-based emails, so they can be a powerful marketing tool.

If you for an automated way to create personalized videos to be sent in your emails - Videoform is your best friend. With Videoform, you can create personalized images & videos for your prospects to be sent with your outreach tools

Sign Up to Videoform today!